By pencilring - 04/09/2010 14:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. The ring just had a piece of graphite on it. My boyfriend argued that since graphite and diamonds are both just forms of carbon, it is the same thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 717
You deserved it 14 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12
Breeneefml12 0

why are you bitching? at least you know he wants to spend the rest of his life with you now, so shut the **** up and be happy.


ReyRay 0

man be happy your getting married. life is not about just the material stuff it's the love that he has to even want to marrie u

If that's how you're gonna behave you don't deserve a diamond. Ungrateful Bitch. count yourself lucky... I doubt many people would wanna marry your fat self

I agree with everyone it's not about the ring!! diamonds are so over rated, he was at least original about it.

xxxcarrie 0
chrishaparker 0

im sorry :[ but very interesting .

How is this an FML? Big whoop, your boyfriend gave you a ring. Who cares if it isn't a diamond. Diamonds are overrated anyways. Be thankful your boyfriend is original.

You give too much importance to what kind of stone is on your ring.

Ok you know what? Why does there have to even be a ring? GTF over it and I'm not even gonna get my gf a ring. If she wants to be with me without me giving her an expensive ring, then I know she loves me for whom I am, and won't break up with me and pawn the ring. Sorry to the boyfriend for ever getting you anything you ungrateful bitchass ****.

EvilDave 13

Seeing as the engagement ring and wedding ring were supposed to help support the woman in the event of her death, there shouldn't be any engagement rings anymore. Equality and all that.