By alissa_roar - 18/04/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years told me I was being too obsessive. This is the guy who has gone through my phone two separate times and deleted all of my male contacts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 784
You deserved it 8 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Lock your phone, darling. 2. It's strange how people with a problem accuse will sometimes others of having that same one. Some form of denial, I guess.

NuclearKitty333_fml 0


dam must be hiding something from you then,that's usually how cheating works

YDI for not leaving him after he deleted your contacts the first time. You chose to stay with the psycho, now you don't get sympathy.

Leave him. There is no reason to stay with someone like that.

_Itz_Meena_ 0

What 8 said but delete yourself and then dump his ass

thatsabadkitty 0

He thinks you're being obsessive? Then take the opportunity and end things. He sounds immature, as well as being controlling and just a waste of your time. Staying with someone like that just makes you look pathetic. And if he is a psycho like the majority here believes, then call someone to help you end things if you're too afraid to do so yourself.

TrueStory22 0

It's best if you read my comment before you run you jump to conclusions. I never said I approve of being a gold digger, I was stating a possibility of why someone would put up with crap like making someone delete contacts of the opposite sex. If you don't consider the costs and benefits of everything you do, then I feel sorry for you.

give us the whole story if youre gonna fml about it... what did you do to deserve to get all of your male contacts deleted? was someone untrustworthy?

Now, if OP were male, you'd have the opposite reaction. You'd assume OP's girlfriend was a jealous, over-possessive bitch. Stop assuming; maybe OP didn't do anything to deserve this.

13Lina97 0