By Anonymous - 16/11/2013 10:06 - United States - Rockford

Today, my boyfriend of three years sent me a text message saying "It's over!". I sent him maybe a thousand texts saying "Why?", "What do you mean?!" After an hour of crying and whatnot, I realized he had driver's education today and that he was saying the class was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 974
You deserved it 49 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're that special brand of insecure crazy aren't you?

I bet there are some health benefit to crying. umm yeah.. and it turns out to be good news.

its easy to get mistaken by that, i bet u felt like ur world had fallen apart for abit :/

In the OP's defense, she was probably exaggerating for dramatic effect about being "1000 texts". Also, I don't think her reaction was unreasonable after thinking she'd been dumped by her boyfriend of three years out of the blue.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Guys, I don't think she actually sent him a thousand texts. She's likely exaggerating. And if you thought your significant other wanted to break up, over a text no less, wouldn't you want an explanation? While OP probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I think the boyfriend could have been more specific

are you that insecure that you think he would leave like that after three years?

CrazyGirlfriend 21

you are aware that some people break up with another out of the blue sometimes, right? I dated a guy for two and a half years. all of a sudden I get a call that night of him crying saying he is breaking up with me. Just a week ago he was telling me how much he loves me and got me the locket I wanted for Christmas. not to mention, people are forgetful. she may have forgot about his class and all of a sudden she gets a text from her bf saying "its over". I doubt anyone would just let that go without an explanation.

Epikouros 31

Somehow your username makes your argument less convincing...

figures101 5

It's conclusions mat. You see you have a mat on the floor with different conclusions that you can...jump to.

It's not your fault Op, he could've been more specific . I'll be like that too.