By Anonymous - 16/11/2013 10:06 - United States - Rockford

Today, my boyfriend of three years sent me a text message saying "It's over!". I sent him maybe a thousand texts saying "Why?", "What do you mean?!" After an hour of crying and whatnot, I realized he had driver's education today and that he was saying the class was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 974
You deserved it 49 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sinekt 9

This is why I hate the idiots these days who STILL use text messages. It's 2013, what the **** are you doing? Science is a step away from doing commercially available teleporting stations, and you use morse-code telegrams. ******* losers. The only way I use SMS is for automated notifications for bills and other stuff.

You sound like most of exes. Have more self-confidence and give him more time to respond. Being too clingy can drive someone away.

Jesus ****, people. Sometimes people misunderstand things, sometimes things are taken out of context. It doesn't mean she's insecure and even if she is, that doesn't make her a bad person. What if they'd had an argument recently or serious talks about their relationship? Maybe she's been in bad relationships before and has reason to be insecure? It's not such a massive leap and it is ambiguously worded. And if he did break up with her after this, he's an absolute dick. This isn't her being 'overly attached' or whatever. They have been together for three years, that's a pretty long time, and she thought it was a break up. Most people in a committed relationship would be shocked and upset too.

That's quite a reaction - but hopefully he will see the funny side. I just hope you didn't get too abusive in your 1000 text to the guy you thought was suddenly your asshole ex!

Why do you assume that he breaks up with you in first place?

Eh, might be a bit of an overreaction... okay, a huge overreaction. But still, he needs to learn to word things better. He walked into that one.

someone's got severe abandonment clingy problems