By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 16:20 - United States - Palmdale

Today, my boyfriend of several years, and father of our one-year-old child, finally proposed. He was making idle conversation from twenty feet away and casually said, "By the way, you wanna get hitched?" This is as romantic as my life will ever get. Yay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 142
You deserved it 9 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You never know. He could take you on a romantic getaway to the nearest McDonalds.

Think long and hard before you answer.


You're the one accepting this.. Make a change!

mowmowlife 21

IDK OP, sounds like you walked into this one. You should know him well enough to figure he wasn't about to throw roses at you. Think longgggg and hard. Make some compromises. He should be understanding of your desires, everybody has them.

buster409_fml 2

With that attitude I'm not surprised he waited that long

Feel for you bro. Talk to him about it, there must be reasons. But dont get your hopes up in some sudden romantic gesture. Seriously dude. Dont go there

noisebox 1

Well why buy the cow when milk is cheap?

You had the kid first, aside from being a major screwup, it's fairly obvious the romance was gone already

the_elephant_fly 3

That's better than my parents! My dad was sitting in a recliner at my mom's house, muted the TV, and asked her, "Hey, we're getting married right?"

chele2382 5

ydi...if you are willing to settle then you totally deserve it.

I think it was miss communication on your part OP. He finally said after impatiently waiting for you to get the trailer attached to your pickup truck.