By great_just_great - 24/02/2013 05:48 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my boyfriend of almost six years asked me to move in with him. I assumed he meant that he was finally moving out of his parents' house and had found a place for us to live. No, it turns out he means he wants me to move in with him at his parents' place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 891
You deserved it 5 891

great_just_great tells us more.

Hey everyone.. Just to let you know, he's 36 and I'm 29. I moved in for about two weeks but found I couldn't handle it. We've broken up and to be honest, I'm kind of glad this all happened; it helped me work out that he was all wrong for me.

Top comments

oj101 33

Free food, no housework or bills. Sounds like a win to me.

Good God almighty he's 36? Man, you probably did good there.


And you've been with him for 6 years. Okay.

Don't do it! You're asking for trouble if you do! Like someone else said, it's time for him to put on his big boy panties!

Lmao!! Wow... Maybe it's time to move on instead of move in

skyeyez9 24

As long as it is temporary (and you want to move out of where you are currently living). Otherwise, stay put. It also depends on the house too. If his parents have a tiny home, living together will be cramped and no privacy. My friend and her husband live in a 10,000sq ft home (5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, full finished basement, theater room, billiards room, pool). If they have a posh home like that, move in!

Officially courting if you do. It will be great.

And that my friend shows you, you're dating a boy not a man!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Tell him no or he'll never grow.