By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 22:50 - France

Today, my boyfriend moved. He moved from my room... to my housemate's room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 667
You deserved it 3 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why hasn't anyone already said what a horrible roommate/housemate she has? OP, they're both shitty. If you can, move out of there.

Ali_Br_fml 33

wow, does he like you, or his roommate? Is the roommate a guy or a girl?


Exactly, don't mess with them. They'll get more revenge and next thing you know you will wake up in the middle of the night with a face full of ****.

booboothang 0

that's all kinds of wrong!! a bitch needs to be cut! lol!

Luckysam1984 0

Sounds like he was just using you

In that case you're better off without him. If he would think of going with someone else, the two of you didn't really have what you thought you did. Throw a party for yourself and rejoyce!

emily54321 0

so wat happened here is that ur boyfriend moved out of ur room nd went to ur housemates room well FYL srry to hear that tho =]

YDI for having a boy friend who's afraid of commitment

Kingdutch 3

Congratz, you're first! *Hands over plastic hat* Also the boyfriend is win :X

maybe you should consider not being such a B****

agreed. at least he didn't leave you for your mom, right?

sweetartlp 0

dude that's happened to my friend.... move out before it gets ******* weird.