By cutiecuppiecakez - 29/02/2016 21:04 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend got so baked, he thought I was in the washing machine. I came downstairs to find him sitting in a puddle of soaking wet clothes, crying about where I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 022
You deserved it 3 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How sweet, he tried to save you from drowning in the washer.

That would have been a great time to just start talking and let him think that you had dissolved into bubbles.


usually when I get baked, I eat twinkies and laugh at family guy... not hallucinate weird sceneries. your boy does pcp!

A hallucination would be if he were to see his girlfriend in the washing machine and dive in after her. He just thought she was in there. This is perfectly reasonable for a stoned person to think.

perfectly reasonable?..... no.... no it isn't lol. not from weed anyways

It is a drug that can mess with your thinking. Perfectly reasonable, yes. I've been there.

That is actually kind of adorable, in a really silly way.

"Pot doesn't change who I am." "I'm safe to drive while high."

I wish I could like this more times! Drives me nuts when people act like weed doesn't affect their mind or impair their mind and senses.

At least he was crying about the loss of you.

Metallicality 5
Yassjess 0

I don't think that's weed he's smoking...

Boobookittyf96 10

ha-ha awh how sweet. at least you know he's thinking about you high asf. :)