By Anonymous - 19/03/2014 01:07 - United Kingdom - Burnley

Today, my boyfriend gave me an anniversary present to mark 5 years of us being together. It was a Mooncup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 720
You deserved it 4 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DKjazz 20

I thought a mooncup sounded like some kind of delicious pastry before I googled it. How wrong I was.

That is how they make Bloody Marys, right?


I may be in the minority here but I'd be pretty excited about that. They're safer than tampons, maybe cleaner too, and he went ahead and bought a product most guys don;t even want to think about. Doesn't it kind of show that he wants you to be healthy and take care of you when you're on your period in a way?

I only wonder how many other girls beside me had no idea what this is.

hazardmuffin 21

Not very romantic, but hey, cups are awesome! I decided to try one a couple years ago and I'll never go back to pads and tampons.

I normally think "oh it's probably an American thing" if I don't know what something is. She's from the UK and I didn't have a clue what a Mooncup was. I'm 23. Should I have known?

InfinityPlusOne_fml 13

Maybe it was just a joke & he gave her the real present afterwards?

Steve95401 49

Did Anna Kendrick deliver the gift to you and sing "Cups" (When I'm Gone)?

Hey, menstrual cups are awesome. Hygienic, convenient, cost-effective, eco-friendly and it won't harm your body with nasty chemicals!

KatzeZauber 7

EXACTLY! Best idea ever. Lasts for up to 10 years and won't die in a week like flowers, or give you unnecessary calories like candy!

no don't worry about it, I did not know about them until my sister was looking for an alternative to tampons.

i just googled it and just thinking about it is painful and disgusting...