By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend found out it makes a funny fart sound when he blows hard into my mouth in the middle of making out. I can't get him to stop doing it every time we kiss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 104
You deserved it 5 960

Same thing different taste


OMG my ex gf did the same ******* thing

louiseeex 3

Mine did this too-_- He did stop but I get how annoying it is ~ tell him not to c:

bipitydooiseeyou 6

hahahah!!!! I would so do this. I wanna try it! xD

Ohmigod my ex used to do that too! it drove my insane! I feel ya girl, I feel ya...

I do that to my girlfriend, but not for the noise, nor do I do it every time. I do it cuz I find the slightly upset face she gives me adorable.

My boyfriend does that all the time, I decided to retaliate after he did it to me once... turns out we both find it hilarious.

sounds like something that kid from We're The Miller's would do "Knaw what I'm sayin"

happyfingers 15

When my boyfriend does that I kiss him harder and once he is properly distracted I do it back. :D Don't get mad, get even! (In a funny way of course... Don't be mean... Then everyone's mad and nobody wins :p)

Beverlyfierce 3

lol me and my boyfriend do that all the time! try sucking his soul out it makes a funnier noise hahhaha xp