By our kids will be derps - 22/06/2013 19:28 - Canada - Nelson

Today, my boyfriend found an empty snail shell. I tried messing with him by saying the snail had turned into a slug, like caterpillars turn into butterflies. He quickly replied, "Yeah I know. I'm not a tard, babe." and said he'd been taught all that and more back in school. What the hell? FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 470
You deserved it 6 945

Same thing different taste


Quick... tell him how blueberries are just asthmatic grapes!

Please don't breed with him...The world has more than enough idiots.

The_9th_Doctor 18

your bf is an idiot. please don't breed.

CoriCat 25

He was trying to sound like he knew more than you. Some guys have pride issues like that.

Quite frankly I can't judge being as I always thought slugs were snails that said to hell with a shell

I felt like I had altered someone's fate as I noticed the 1 vote difference between the two top comments.. >:D

Oh my goodness I'm laughing so hard right now!!!! I can't believe he fell for that one ???

They DO become slugs...dead ones, that is, that only look like slugs and anatomically aren't really slugs. But really, this is a common assumption. My parents used to tell me that snails became slugs as a child because they collected empty snail shells and I always worried about the snails.