By DuChaillu - 27/01/2010 07:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided to perform a strip tease for me. As he was stripping out of his clothes, he took his shirt and then pants off first. He was wearing zebra striped knee high socks and underwear. I burst out laughing. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 164
You deserved it 27 848

Same thing different taste


brbgirl 0

I would love it if my bf wore zebra socks! haha

ArielTheMermaid 17

what I wanna know is why you told us he took off 'his shirt and then his pants first.' isn't that what you kinda hafta do?

BumbleRoo 0

Hahaha I wouldve loved that! I love having fun. But if he really thought you wouldn't laugh then he's dumb

If that won't turn u women on, what will? A cape?

autumnt_504 1
lisaint_fml 23

I'd really like to see my boyfriend doing this, it sounds really funny! but you hurt his feelings by laughing about him, you should really apoligize for that.

DenBriZel 31

I can see it as being funny, but those are king of a big deal to me and take a lot of openness emotionally. If you laugh for any reason I'd leave too.