By BirthdayGirl - 02/03/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that lunch with his guys was more important than spending time with me. This is the second year in a row that he has cancelled on me. How do I remember the date so well? It's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 289
You deserved it 5 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Second year in a row? And you're still with him? I mean, if he hasn't gotten it by now...

Comments deserve someone better...happy birthday :)

The guy needs to grow so balls and show some responsability. If I ever did that to my girlfriend then I would get the shit slapped out of me.

Find someone else, and then tell him that you "forgot" you had a boyfriend..... Fair's fair. :-D And, happy birthday....:-)

FallonsRocket 0

You know...a lot of people are claiming she should dump him, and even more are saying that there isnt enough information to know what the situation truly is. Both legitimate points. What struck me immediately, however, is that while its nice to receive a "Happy Birthday" on the actual day, I rarely celebrate with my boyfriend/friends on my real birthday. Instead, I set aside a different day that we can agree on. For example, my birthday is on a Wednesday this year-not the best day for celebration :) I would suggest that if you stay with him, create time to celebrate that maybe isnt on your real birthday. If you are going to be so upset over the day itself, then the plans become much less fun-now dont they?

terror_twins 0

Why didn't you get rid of him after the first year?

jessamused 0

Honey, He is having gay sex. Probably with the 6"1' hockey player that's afraid of wasps.

Lol!! DocHolliday .. that was just perfection.. But to the poster, get rid of him, he's a loseerrr