By BirthdayGirl - 02/03/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that lunch with his guys was more important than spending time with me. This is the second year in a row that he has cancelled on me. How do I remember the date so well? It's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 289
You deserved it 5 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Second year in a row? And you're still with him? I mean, if he hasn't gotten it by now...


whiskeyloverrrr 0

As a birthday present to yourself you should get a new boyfriend.

xHabsfanx 0

Stay with him for another two or three years and you will soon start to see a pattern...

sayntdavid 0

ydi for still being with him a year later.

pinkmd 0

ydi for still being with him? if you are so upset by it, why didn't you just dump him the first time around. nothing fml worthy about this.

I detect a class 5 Cling On... move on or suck it up... I for one am getting tired of these B.S. "my bf forgot to pick me up from work, FML" sob stories... if you BF doesn't care why the F*ck would we... grow up

leave him. he's not very caring. happy birthday though.

dreamer13 0
nl_barbie 0

****** up of him.. but thats yourfault for still being with him

Sorry, OP, but group mansex always will and SHOULD take precedence over some chick's birthday.