By PunkChik27 - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, saying we're too different. His only example? He likes ham and I don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 120
You deserved it 4 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yumlicious 4

HAM IS AMAZING. I would have broken up with you as well!

Valid reason. For real though, if he cant even tell you what is wrong, he doesnt deserve you.


bubo_fml 10

"Pork...The Other White Meat!"

nicky3636 5

How can you not like ham?!?!?!?!

You can lie, you can cheat, hell you can even be abusive. But not liking ham, well that's a deal breaker right there

I visualise OP crying out, in despair, "I can change" whilst cramming ham into her mouth.

susi41 4

You are much better off without the chop.

Wow, I'm sorry but that's dumb. I hate bacon and my boyfriend hasn't broken up with me. Probably just a lame excuse and isn't telling you the real reason.

he obviously doesnt like you so im guessing either you smell funny, your crazy, you're annoying but my best guess hes probably cheating on you.

DeeG12 0

Other reason he won't tell you: he likes the other girl he's f**king and you probably wouldn't like her very much.