By Out of Ice Cream - 29/09/2015 17:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He did it over Snapchat because he said he didn't want to hear me sad over the phone and wanted to save data. Three years down the drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 344
You deserved it 2 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am just go ahead and put it out there, your ex is a jerk and a pussy for breaking up via snapchat. If that is his way of breaking up after 3 years, then you deserve way better. Sorry OP

I'm so sorry, OP. Nobody deserves to be broken up with over the phone, especially if you've been together for 3 years....


He did it over Snapchat because he is a coward. Any other reason he might have stated is just an attempt to cover his cowardice.

alyssaw67 6

Well jokes on him, snapchat uses more data than an LTE phone call! But really, **** that guy.

You will still have grown from the experiences OP, it really sucks though. And just so you know, you really aren't alone in this - why do you think there are SO many songs written about these things. Take care of yourself, the best revenge is to let them go and be happy with yourself.

I would very much like to know just how old you guys are.

Sounds like he's an idiot. And you my darling need to look at those three years as a growing experience. What did you learn about yourself in those years? What did you learn about how to be in a relationship? Now you are free to play and have fun and frolic until you find your next companion.

MadoromiTenshi 9

You deserve a whole lot better. I hope the next man in your life stays there with a happy ending. -Hugs-

What an ass! You're better off without him.