By HelpMe1 - 06/11/2014 06:53 - Indonesia - Jakarta

Today, my boss told me to fire the unstable, former military, gun nut employee. He's been making death threats to his supervisors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 2 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Firing anyone sucks, but especially one who makes death threats? That's really nice of your employers to do to you.

Maybe he's a believer in "don't shoot the messenger"


Hopefully you weren't the one to get fired (at) in the end

It would probably be better to get this man some help. 22 veterans committing suicide every day is way to many.

It might be best if you fire him on the phone or on text.

YellowKettleBell 31

tell him to do it his own damn self for matters of safety

Your boss knows how to dodge a bullet.

Your boss should have contacted the authorities rather than handing this task over to you.

Maybe someone should take this seriously and help him. This is called PTSD. 22 veterans commit suicide every day.

Have u guys actually tried to see if he is doing ok? Offer counsel? Unfortunately, our veterans have been thru a lot and when some things go undiagnosed or addressed, it can make for a very angry person. Try first getting him some help.

middlenamefrank 8

Is it YOUR job to fire him? If not, tell your boss you won't do it. Here in my country, he can't fire you for refusing to do his job for him -- and even if he can, no job's worth your life. If it IS your job to do it, then you need to find a way to do it without riling him up too much, or find a way to redirect his anger somehow. Tell him it wasn't your idea -- upper management insisted -- or something like that. Or, you might consider quitting. Again, no job's worth your life.