By iloveZELOS - 05/07/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, my boss told me he is a superhero. He has written countless comics about his crusades and adventures. I make fifty dollars an hour less than him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 023
You deserved it 4 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do u honestly think u deserve to be on the same money as a superhero...?

Well, maybe one day you will be that high up that you can do something like that and still earn a good amount of money. I'd ask him if he can make me a villain in one of his comic books. But that's just me... :)


Why do you know how much an hour your boss makes/why isn't he salaried? But otherwise, I would LOVE to have a superhero as a boss. That would be badass

Umm, wow, he can have a creative mind and still be a better worker than you...

haha your boss is Like norm from yes man

YDI for being stupid enough to post this.

For earning that much in this economy, he probably is a hero to his wife and kids. stop your whining.

I think he deserves to make more money than you. After all, he's a super hero!

He makes more money than you because you don't sell comic books and fight crime as well as your usual job. It's pretty obvious.

dear god, fifty dollars an hour MORE? wtf does he do?!

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Just wait until he sees you posted this he's gonna turn you into his new archenemy.

jdawg777 0

Rofl haha hilarious. His crusades?!?! Omg thats beautiful