By asdfjkl - 15/04/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, my boss friend-requested me on Facebook. My profile picture is of me licking his employee of the month picture for a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 826
You deserved it 52 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Did he call you into the office to do the same thing to him?!?  *wink wink nudge nudge*


He thinks you like him in that "Oh so special" way!

1) Change the picture. 2) Accept the request. 3) Stop being a child.

moron. hope you got aids from licking it.

You could try and find something about your boss thats unprofessional or embarrassing, who knows maybe he has a few pictures on his facebook that aren't professional. If he brings it up then you can use that as your defense.

flickyourbic1223 7

32? Skitz just stop commenting.

hOcKeYjOcK23 0

I taste a promotion awaiting you in the near future!

A: your the moron with such a stupid picture. and B: seriously what is with people accepting a friend invite from their boss?? this world is going downhill. -_-

pate10 0