By maxthndr - 10/02/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, my boss fired me via text message. I don't have a text messaging plan. I paid $0.25 to get fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 422
You deserved it 36

Top comments

That is so awful... but really hilarious. Definitely something that would have happened to me. I don't have a text messaging plan either, and yet people text me alllllll the time. I usually have to pay $5-10 extra a month for stuff I can't control.

Therese_fml 0

If that's not BS and is real, I'm sorry man, that really sucks.


brevlle 0

wrong, many companies give you free incoming text's, they just charge for outgoing.

Gosh that must suck. To look like a dog.

uhm I think what he meant when correcting the "with an unlimited plan it doesn't cost a cent" comment was that it does in fact cost you extra because you have to pay for more than a basic plan. Where as the original commenter was saying that in the UK you don't have to buy an unlimited plan, it comes with the basic one...

@116: #90 did not say "doesn't cost a cent MORE," they only said "doesn't cost a cent," when it does, in fact, cost many cents.

yeah i agree wtf is the thing in the comic anyways? like a retarded bear?

jessica21194 0

Whoever made this comic is retarded. It's not funny and why would you change someone to a dog? Wtf is your problem.

Why would Matt Groening turn his characters into yellow ones? Do you think Matt has a problem? It doesn't matter if a dog can't talk or if someone has yellow skin, the most important thing is what the illustration is about ;)

toodles54321 0

exactly, so why does the illustration suck? x.x

people complain when the comic is drawn exactly according to the fml, and people complain when the artist decides to spruce up the illustrated fml a bit. what DO you guys want, exactly? go draw your own comic if these comics bother you so much.