By jordanss - 11/11/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, my apartment building shut off our water for a short period of time because the pipes were being worked on. It was also the morning my dog had diarrhea on my cream carpet. Not only did I have to clean it up without water, I couldn't wash my hands afterward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 144
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't really train for diarrhea. They aren't able to hold it.

I thought it was a given that just about everyone has bottled water or even a jug of tap water in the fridge. If not, you could have gone out and bought a gallon for under a dollar :)


ThePhantress 0

Yet more undeniable evidence that cats are much better than dogs. I really don't get why everyone likes those stupid f*cking animals. Seems to me that all they do is bark incessantly and shit everywhere.

Deitz123 2
Deitz123 2

#93. F*ck u because dogs protect ur house and they should take a dump on ur face!

we don't use water at all while cleaning. we use paper towel, spray, and plastic bags.

I would have washed my hands in milk, koolaid, tea,,, any liquid that was in the fridge. Lol.