By mommylife - 15/04/2015 04:17 - United States - Schaumburg

Today, my 3-year-old broke his glasses, clogged the toilet with Hot Wheel cars, and covered the whole house with Cheerios. All in a matter of roughly 6 minutes while I was putting laundry away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 786
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have kids they said, it will be fun they said

When I read the part about covering the house with Cheerios, all I could picture was your kid going around the house literally placing the Cheerios one by one all around the house so they'd cover every spot he could get.


ChloeMeyers_Xo 16's beautiful, right? ;-)

brniedgrl24 3
xluciferx666 21

I have been there OP I have two girls ones 2 1/2 and the other is 1 I'm always too terrified to turn my back for more than a minute

If I didn't have a baby boy of my own I would laugh at this, but I know my days of toddler terror are coming so you have my sympathy.

My little brother when he was three shoved a whole potato, and a wrench down the toilet. We had to get out whole toilet removed.

You're missing a sentence. "And the next six minutes were spent whooping his ass"

BlackFire4890 16

I have a 4 yr old but when she was 2 she was destructive. I'd go to take clothes out the wash and put them in the dryer and there'd be cheerios and toys everywhere in the 3 minutes