By MommyProblems - 19/01/2014 05:17 - United States

Today, my 2-year-old son put his hand on my face, gave me a sweet kiss, and put his cheek against mine. Then he slapped me hard enough to leave a mark, laughed, and scrambled away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 026
You deserved it 6 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonegirlnic 10

He's a reverse sour patch kid. Sweet. Sour. Gone.

Did you punish him?! Had I done that when I was little I would get timeout and a whopping


If a kid did that to me it would be all I could do not to murder him right on the spot.

grashopper8 7

Hahaha your son is hilarious! You must love him to pieces. :)

Highroller42 2

This kid is going to be one hell of a ladies man. Seriously is there any woman out there that read this who cant wait for him to turn eighteen? I guess there are some skills you are born with. In all seriousness, the girls are going to murder one another for a chance at him when he hits puberty.

Reverse sour patch kids. First they are sweet. Then they are sour.

an3ph 20

Children of this age have no hidden agenda. Just being cheeky. This is when you teach them that this isn't acceptable.

Goblin182 26

Sucker punched by a two year old.