By ggabrams - 17/08/2013 12:55 - United States - Ewa Beach

Today, my 17-year-old son came home with a black eye saying he ran into a pole at school. I asked the principal if we could see the tapes. He actually did run straight into a pole. And not just once, twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 674
You deserved it 5 920

ggabrams tells us more.

He didn't give an excuse. I was laughing my ass off in the office though.

Top comments

Maybe you should talk to him about the difference between Platform 9 3/4 and Narnia's lampost.


zuixdoll 9

sounds like something I would do

I've got a pole for you to run into . . . I know. Just no. But she gave me an irresistible setup.

bang bang pole gang! they got peeps on every corner. your son lucky to be alive...

Unless he was distracted by an accident or parade of naked cheerleaders id suggest you check your son's room for drug paraphernalia. I would assume he's either on drugs or you raised an idiot.

Where can I catch the naked cheerleader parade?

jgriff79 23

Damn pole kept jumping in his way. I hate when that happens.

Man, I don't know who's better -- the school that tapes its students' every move or the parents who can only trust their kid after seeing a video that supports what he says.

That will probably serve as a lesson to watch where he's going from now on. Still pretty amusing. At least he was honest about it - and the good part is that it wasn't a poor cover-up lie for being bullied/getting in a fight. I'd prefer to have a distracted/clumsy kid to the alternative, personally.

elizacandle 29

Does this mean he did it on purpose? Or is he just that much of a klutz?