By mydaughterisdisturbed - 12/08/2013 00:58 - United States - Huntingburg

Today, my 14-year-old daughter convinced my son that when he was born, he was actually born as a girl, but we wanted a boy so bad we had his gender changed. Now he wants to change back to a girl because now he doesn't feel right as a boy. Last year, she got her other brother to cross dress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 047
You deserved it 5 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments


generalasskicker 12

See this is why you sternly punish your children when they do horrible things.

puffleprincess 7

#48- I don't think this counts as "horrible things." My 8 siblings and I all messed with each other as kids. We're all healthy, happy & close now. It's not as if she's beating them; she's just teasing them. The parents will tell them the truth. It's all in good fun. The boys will get her back.

jw90 18

Better watch out, she may actually convince you she's in love with a vampire and going to run off with him.

catanita 18

Talk to her and tell her the same story that she is telling to her brothers (that she was born as a boy and changed he into a she). And try not to laugh in order to be more persuasive.

mrsnugglefunny 10

Talk to him before you have crossdressers scolding you on how you won't let your son be what gender he wants

Sounds like she wants a sister my brother was sort of like that except he never told our younger sister she was a boy however he did do things consider boys games with my sister like blow up G.I. Joes and wrestle as well as play army with those green soldiers he was the only boy of three sisters two younger me and my younger sister and one older

Well she's at least smart and devious. you have to give her a little credit for that. :P

Your daughter sounds like a sociopath in the careful id imagine that kind of stuff could really mess up your boys :/

The force is strong in this girl. Daughter: "those are not the sexes you were born with." Her brothers:"These are not the sexes we are born with." Daughter:"You want to tell mum." Her brothers:"We want to tell mum."

Goblin182 26

Your daughter will either be a lawyer or a con man.