By elsatheannoyed - 12/11/2014 04:34 - United States - Santa Clara

Today, like any other day since that stupid movie Frozen came out, people have been asking me if I want to build a snowman. My name is Elsa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 113
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste


my name is Parker. even my junior year high school history teacher said he'd call me "driver" if I didn't start paying attention... sigh. but yes I am a good parker. I can park a car like a beast.

I would be asking if Parker was your last name... And if you wear red morph suits...

I don't see why people are obsessing about Frozen. It's just another Disney musical. Nobody started a cult following when Tangled came out.

hpdrew15 9

You think that's bad; my two cousins, who are sisters, are named Anna and Elsa!

Ask if you can stab them with icicles....:)

Elsa is an awesome name. *knocking* Do you want to hide a body?? come one lets not delay!?

hemdal308 9

My name is Bonnie, and ever since Five Nights At Freddie's came out, people have been jumping and screaming at me, or sending snapchats of stuffed bunnies. Argh!

I feel you. My name is Eve, and whenever anyone hears that they immediately run around screaming 'EEEEVAAA' in a very poor wall-e imitation.

cutelilscrafty 8

Before I got adopted, I got Britney Spears jokes, because mine was spelled just like hers. I changed it to Ginny, to get that over with. Cue Harry Potter jokes. After a while, it just goes away, but it's definitely annoying hearing the same jokes constantly.