By obsceene - 18/10/2010 10:49 - United States

Today, it was wacky tacky day at my school. I did not participate, however, I did get voted the tackiest outfit in my school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 096
You deserved it 8 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

OP, tube socks and tie dye went out of style in the 90s.

i think their trying to tell you something =O


the eighties called. they want their outfit back

dug44 0

that's a compliment..... duh, original!!!

blahzz 4

Did you wear mismatched socks? I think thats a win but some people can't get over that shit.

I think you might go to my school o.O scary mooresville senior high?

I always throw on my football jersey and daisy dukes for this occasion. Divanacious5

Meaky 0

...Wacky Tacky day..... North Carolina....... Dude, do you go to Cane Creek Middle? I wore my kitty hat that day.

TerrorDollie 0

Maybe they did that jus to piss you off?