By Chamorru - 11/08/2012 17:53 - Finland - Espoo

Today, it was my twenty-first birthday, and a couple of friends took me out to celebrate. After ordering us shots throughout the night, my friends took off abruptly, leaving me with my very first bar tab. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 625
You deserved it 2 890

Chamorru tells us more.

I originally wrote this FML :( haha you just worded it better than me. My friends stuck me with a 500 dollar bar tab.

Top comments

Happy birthday! But I'm sorry. That really sucks.

fylx100 19

What dicks! Invite them again, drink as much as you can and go home and leave the tab to them


Time to find new friends, those people are jerks.

TwiztedYuri 9

All part of the experience.....but then again what the **** do I know. I've never been to a bar, nor a 21st birthday.

I originally wrote this FML :( haha you just worded it better than me. My friends stuck me with a 500 dollar bar tab.

JustDerpin 11

46 - First of all, happy belated! Second, you need to start hitting your friends up for some cash. $500?! On your birthday?! If they didn't have any money to spend to buy drinks, they need to keep their broke selves home.

perdix 29

#46, best wishes on your birthday. I'm a deposed Nigerian prince with tons of hidden loot. If you send me your bank account number and routing number, I'll be happy to cover your bar tab with my best regards.

Hmm OP, I would seriously reconsider your definition of "friends". These people are not your friends, they used you on YOUR BIRTHDAY. Leaving you with such a huge bill to pay is nothing less than stealing from you. You should go around and ask for money back and erase them from your life for good.

superswagger13 2

Bounce on the bill too and find new friends.

They are not your friends. Get new ones.

18. He lives in Finland. Nice try starting an e-argument though.

well slowly ask them for money and pay it off...or get them a beer tab in return...or since it was your birthday you only have to pay 21% of it...all good choices I think 21% would be the best...

sk84lifepcm 2

And that's when you stop referring to them as friends.