By igiveup - 21/12/2012 03:31 - Australia - Sydney

Today, it's my wedding anniversary; my husband forgot. My daughter gave me two beautiful long stem roses and said she would look after her sister while we went out to celebrate. My daughter is more romantic and thoughtful than my own husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 006
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the future of "It's really windy out" guy. You shouldn't have kept pushing for marriage! Anyway, at least the world didn't end, so that's all good.

Since he's forgetful you should remind him by telling him you are going out with the daughter who remembered your anniversary and leaving him home to watch the little one.


at least you seem to have a great daughter :)

"What day is yesterday?" Good husband "OMG! I forgot it!" Normal husband "Yesterday? rainy day?" beatles band "All my troubles seemed far away."

So do some women try to "test" their husbands or boyfriends? My wife and I have been married almost 11 years and in so glad I don't have to deal with that crap! We talk about anniversaries and birthdays weeks prior. If I am going to surprise her with something I just change the subject. Grow up girls. Stop testing your spouse and just talk about it!!!!

It's not all of us! I'm a girl and I totally agree with you! If I forgot a date like that I'd feel shit about it too so rather than give you're boyfriend/husband hell for it we should just remind him :) "hey babe, excited for our anniversary next week? I can't wait! Fancy doing anything special?" BAM everyone's happy ^_^

perdix 29

Your daughter hasn't become bored with the infrequent, routine, robotic sex and frustrated with the lame excuses to avoid it. She does benefit from your cooking and cleaning services, so it's no wonder she has a high opinion of you.

Wow, 35 comments and not a single stupid "Dump him, you can do better!" comment! *sniff* I'm so proud of you guys. I'm choking back tears here.

Now we know who she DIDN'T get her genes from

skyeyez9 24

At least you raised a thoughtful and kind daughter.

Sorry OP, I assume you'll make this year memorable enough he won't forget again. Perhaps there's a reason for the oversight, although its not an excuse there could be a cause. FYL anyway OP.

kaallen87 1

At least you can say that you raised a thoughtful kid. Men are stupid.

well at least you're a good mother to have such a sweet daughter