By Anonymous - 03/03/2011 14:21 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my birthday. My parents, whom I live with, told me that they did not get me anything, but instead they said they would knock off a bit of the housekeeping I owe them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 131
You deserved it 8 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For my 18th I got a nice set of luggage and a swift kick in the ass.

#22 Who said she was old enough to live on her own? The fact that OP is expected to do chores doesn't mean that they're legally old enough to move out.


Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean that your parents HAVE to get you something. My parents don't give me presents anymore, and I don't expect them to. Stop being so greedy.

That's not really an fml. Getting presents cost money. So therefore being given the money opposed to a present is essentially the same thing. Or if you owe a certain amount of money and that amount is lessened it's basically the same as getting that amount (the amount it was lessened by) of money. I guess it kind of sucks, but I wouldn't go so far as to put it on of course half of the things on don't deserve to be here, but that's just my opinion.

skyeyez9 24

I got a new North Face snowsuit for snowboarding for my b day. It looks like a two piece jacket and coat deal but isn't.

today is my birthday too! :) I hope you managed to have a pleasant day despite your parents.

If you want that word order, it's "who I live with," but if you want to use "whom" it's "with whom I live."

lmao that's amazing today's my birthday too but I'm in aus so it's the 4th

yoo it's my bday today too! happy bday op