By nrelavender - 26/05/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, is the anniversary of my cat's death, so I went to visit her grave in the pet cemetery. Someone had spray-painted "Your cat sucks" on her grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 087
You deserved it 11 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when your cat rises out of that pet cemetery and goes after them, they'll be sorry


Oh... that was me on the back it said "happy aniversery!"

this is like the only one I dont find funny

Oh my! That's horrible I'm sooo sorry for what they did to u!!! And if someone did that to me I would cryyy

XScarletRoseX 4
Steel_BZ 8

I'm soooo sorry. =( I'm dealing w/ a loss of my pet cat too. She lived a long beautiful life, but it's really like losing a family member.

that really sucks! sorry people are assholes!