By Watchyourstep - 20/10/2009 17:11 - France

Today, in front of a bunch of people on my college campus, my mom grabbed my hand and lead me across the street. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 640
You deserved it 4 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're loved, thats quite adorable to be honest. I think this is the new walk of shame.


Oh, boo hoo. Yer mama cares fer ya, git over it. Anyway, next time, hoist her up over your shoulder when you walk across the street. Who's bigger now, Ma?! Who's bigger now?!

blackturquoise08 0

I still hold my moms hand and i am 19 :) no biggie

ruben7467 0

I hate that kind of arguement, it implies that unless your problems are the absolute worst they could be they're not real.

perdix 29

You should have let you tongue hang out of your mouth, made grunting noises and do that stiff walk that the mentally challenged do. You might have gotten a sympathy lay.

Astronomical 0

perdix 29

Great picture. It illustrates my point beautifully.

ruben7467 0

I dont think jealous but this isn't a FML. I wish my mom could hold my hand. =(

this is cuteee everyone else was probably jealous! ;)

Exactly. I mean come on, its your mother, these things are expected. What are people gonna say? "Ooooh billy, your mom loves you! hahahah!"

wow, this is gonna sound really stupid, but what does OP mean?