By allison_fishing - 25/10/2012 04:37 - United States

Today, I woke up with pink eye. My mom tried to help by putting drops in. It started burning like hell; she didn't understand why. It turns out she was putting ear drops in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 289
You deserved it 1 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this ever happens again, quickly put some eye drops in your ears.

Niceeeeee, that would be why you read the label before you try and use something... FYL OP hope you feel better.


Maybe u should have read the bottle first...

Horstradamus 6

Ear drops and eye drops are the EXACT SAME MEDICATION numb nuts. In fact, a few years ago, they listed both on the same bottle. The only reason they separated them was to make ear drops slightly stronger and to make obscene amounts of profit selling two types of meds instead of one.

Haha classic! My dad put MEK in my eyedrops. Now I have a silicone eye.

At least she was trying to be helpful my mom would have told me to suck it up.

Motherfookers 4

oops hun I mixed up the eye drops with butters creamy goo

Did your mom also fart on your pillowcase to give you pink eye too?

I had pink eye one time and my mom gave me the pink eye drops and it happened to have had mouth wash in it. I thought my eye melted.

jimbob_76592 5

Same thing happened to me OP. I had eye allergies as a kid and when I was in about the 5th grade my mom couldn't understand why I was screaming after she put them in. She had allergies too and later used them herself. She apologized haha

This has happened to me before. My mother told me to stop complaining when she did the eyedrops for me and that it was "normal" to have my eyes burning.

Next time offer to put drops in your Mums eyes first.