By Rosie - 13/06/2012 16:07 - Germany - Wesel

Today, I woke up to the sight of my boyfriend playing a game on my iPhone with his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 366
You deserved it 5 242

Same thing different taste


I dont get how people put you deserved it, i dont see how she controlled it

foxmatrix15 8

Well?? did he win the game??

Personally would love to know the game he was playing lmao

AzzieC 12

And yet u touched the phone 2 put this FML

DollyDope 17

That is ******* hilarious.... Can't stop laughing

squarecircles 13

Betcha you won't find too many others with that kind of skill!

This is the best thing I've ever read ever.