By dumping time - 25/11/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Aylesford

Today, I woke up to my balls covered in Icy Hot, a big old "fuck you" note from my girlfriend, and my door slamming shut. I'm starting to get the distinct impression I shouldn't have made that off-hand remark last night about her PMSing, after she rage-quit a game of Mario Kart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 090
You deserved it 30 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't shoot a blue shell of doom at you.

iOceanus 18

Especially when playing Mario Kart. Mario Kart is a serious matter!!


That was insensitive of you, but she still needs to calm the **** down and not get upset over little things.

That was a ******** comment, to be sure, but her response was way out of proportion.

Sorry guy, but you deserved it for fueling the fire. Best of luck to you and your Icy Hot balls

I don't know why girls get so offended when people ask if they're on their period. It's completely natural. That's like getting mad when someone asks you if you just pissed.

No, you shouldn't have said that, but seriously? My PMS has never been that bad...sounds like she was planning to dump you all along though, cause in my experience, girls get over this pretty fast.

I'm a girl. If my bf mentioned that to me no way would I act like this. If its honestly that bad that she can't control it she should she a doctor. Otherwise she should grow up.

Gosh, am I glad to see another girl think like me!

Quest_ 13

Your girlfriend's response is the collective, pent-up anger from women everywhere who have to put up with dismissive "are you PMSing?" comments whenever they display emotions or opinions you don't like.

landcfan 6

Asking a woman if she's PMSing is like saying, "Whatever, there's no way what you're feeling is a legitimate reaction. After all, since you have a ******, if you get upset, that must be causing it. Women are so irrational." My brother asked me that once (I was not) and I have not forgotten after years have passed. I found it THAT insulting. With that said, your girlfriend had no right to put burning chemicals on your genitals.

I would say rage quitting when you lose a multiplayer video game isn't a legitimate response. Stick to single player games if you are going to be such a complete baby about losing.

landcfan 6

When we were kids, my brother hit our Playstation so hard that he broke it because Crash Bandicoot didn't acknowledge that he hit a checkpoint or something. There are WAY worse reactions, and hers wasn't necessarily because of hormones.

One person behaving worse doesn't justify another person behaving badly.

Alastrina_fml 20

That was what I was saying, but this is WAY better worded.

Yes, we women get pms but really, pulling something like that is pushing it, kind of a bitchy thing to do... Just a little. It's called self control, it doesn't hurt to have

I expect you finally pushed her over the edge op, maybe don't be so thoughtless and sexist in the future? Just a thought?