By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 11:45 - United States

Today, I woke up, showered, and began brushing my teeth. When I started to brush my tongue I gagged, like usual, and threw up a little. What's unusual? I threw up a cockroach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 267
You deserved it 4 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

That's nasty (Cleveland voice)

Oh god...I just threw up a little. Cockroach free at least.


hailey_cucumber 0

Supposedly, people eat at least one insect in their sleep a month. I'm not sure if it's true but that's what I've heard.

sweettpie129 11

I actually just peed my pants.

OMG I hate cockroaches I feel sorry for you

It probably crawled in while you were sleeping. Did you not know you have a roach problem? and you sleep with your mouth open?

One of the best FML'S ever ! but still yuckie D: