By emperor - 21/07/2009 05:38 - Bangladesh

Today, I woke up screaming. Why? Well, I was complaining to my dad yesterday about how I always hit the snooze button and just roll over when my alarm goes off, and how that results in me being late for morning classes. My dad thought he'd help out by placing a mousetrap on the snooze button. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 487
You deserved it 30 657

Same thing different taste


hahahahahaha I'm sorry, but thats freaking hilarious

Awesome dad. Way to nip the problem in the bud! Not like you have any intention of putting an end to your own irresponsibility yourself, right?

cuterthanuthink 0

well look on the brightside. did it work?

djb23 0

look on the bright side, at least it wasn't a bear trap..

Wow, just go to bed earlier so you don't have to snooze noob

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

But were you late ..... ? I think your Dad deserves a thank you (: haha

Yeah. Parents have awesome senses of humor.

damn... foreign parents are bitches....