By nerdygirl101 - 13/03/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I woke up in pajamas I have never seen before. Usually, I sleep naked, and I live alone in a locked apartment. Then, the elderly woman next door asked for her nightgown back. Apparently, I sleep-walked and knocked on all the doors in my hallway repeatedly. I'm moving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 688
You deserved it 4 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohhh that's bad I would be totally freaked out. Maybe you should also think about what caused the sleepwalking and do something about that. The most common causes are stress and alcohol abuse.

It's a good thing you're a woman. If you were a man you'd be registering as a sex offender right now. Then it wouldn't matter where you move.


KnioBerry 0

That would be way awkward to open your door in the middle of the night to see a naked woman at my doorstep. Well, for a guy it wouldn't be, but you're really lucky you didn't go to some guys door and he asked what you wanted and you said, "To get into bed,", thinking it was your own house. o.e YO ASS COULDA GOT RAPED :P

stechly21 0

I wish I could have seen that one

by " that time " what are you referring to

u made my day! I would soooo do something like that!

Gabbiegummies 4

wow I'm sure ur neighbor just loved seeing you in her room nakedstealin her pajamas in the middle of the night

Now just how much did you have to drink the night before? *eyeroll* BTW, you wouldn't have had the other problem if you didn't sleep naked; you only brought that part on yourself.

That sucks. Happened to me before too when i was young. But i wasn't naked and no one noticed me.

DrLemon 0

I sleep walk. I have had conversations with family members, walked around, cried, walked down stairs, opened doors and such.. except I never remember, my family basically tells me.

DrLemon 0

you actually have a lot of control. when you sleep walk it's basically like being contious but you are reacting to what's in your head (like a dream) and not to other people. for example, I was crying and telling my mom some nonsense (I could not remember it happened) and even though I was having a conversation with her, and my eyes were open, I was reacting to what was happening to my dream and she was just a voice. at least, that's what's with me.