By L - 16/10/2012 22:59 - Norway - Trondheim

Today, I woke up after having a dream which included sex with a very hot guy. I realized it's about time I get laid, because the hot guy was Brock from Pokémon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 626
You deserved it 6 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HooHooHa 6

After years of rejection, Brock finally gets some action!

zingline89 18

Gotta catch 'em all did not refer to STDs.


Quimpo 14

A hot guy with no damm eyes lol

ginglederf 6

To be fair, Brock is a lady's man.

I use to have dreams of me getting down with Max from the game Max Payne the first and second one not the 3. Lol

flashback_fml 14

Lol whats funnier is the op is probably a dude

ooooh honey, Ash is the hottest. you obviously need the D ;) x

Quadroblitz 10

Wet dreams. You're doing them right.