By Dancing King - 07/08/2014 15:36 - Norway - Egersund

Today, I went with my girlfriend to the gym for the first time. I knew I was in bad shape, but I bet her that I could lift more than her. Not only did I get my ass handed to me by a 5', 115lbs girl in front of the entire gym, I also have to attend Zumba in bright pink spandex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 354
You deserved it 43 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's awesome that you're going to the gym with your girlfriend. It's a great couples thing to do, even if the first trip was a little embarrassing for you. :)

Own it man. Dance with everything you have!


rock those pink spandex! shake your ass with all you got!

Maybe next time. Maybe next time. Look on the bright side, I bet you looked great in the spandex!

Your girlfriend rules!! Power to the females

tony1891 22

he changed it. earlier if actually did show 5"

Man Card revoked. Serves you right for making a bet like that knowing that your out of shape.

Jst4kicks 16

Height means nothing. My brother hates that I can lift the same as him and I'm 4"11. I improve quicker than he does for some reason so I ease off otherwise he won't be happy.

Sorry, but height does matter. *puts the new wifi password on the top shelf*

You were being a bit sexist do FYL and YDI