By notnicefools - 29/05/2012 02:51 - United States - San Diego

Today, I went to visit my husband's grave. I was unable to mourn in peace because some teenagers were smoking pot and talking about a government conspiracy "to change the way gravity works" on the next grave over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 595
You deserved it 2 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti666 17

I'm sorry. That's so rude, especially in a cemetery.


FMLs are usualy funny. That is not a funny subject

Ouch. That I'd crazy disrespectful.. There are a lot of FMLs that just seem petty and stupid, but this one actually belongs here. I can't imagine losing someone and wanting to mourn and having to suffer through that nonsense.. Sorry for your loss, OP.

I now see that the zombie apocalypse in inevitable...

Maybe that's how they're grieving the loss of a friend, maybe they're smoking over a grave of there beloved friend and they used to hang out and have conversations with them like that, next time ignore it and cherish your mourning time.

I don't care if someone YDI trolls on other posts that don't involve anything serious, but come on! this one doesn't deserve

I'm a smoker and even I would never do that. have some respect for the dead.. Sorry op on behalf of all tokers out there

Should've asked for a hit of their joint