By regected - 30/08/2009 12:19 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with the girl I liked. She kept on eating my popcorn so I whispered in her ear "Pretty soon your going to have to repay me with kisses." Then she looked at me and walked out the theatre. She came back with a bucket of popcorn and said "Here, you're repaid." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 827
You deserved it 45 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's because you can't spell "you're" right.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. dude. that is the worst line Ive ever heard. That chick must think ure retarted. lol

purplestar16 0

wow stingy much! ! your popcorn!!?? jerk! YDI

That sucks. FYL. ... But what a creepy thing to say.

you just like her. ur not official couples; maybe she doesn't like u that way. you think that's a good thing to say?

princess151617 4

That sound like something I would do

ashwowa 14

It's okay! Girls like confidence like that!!

decidedlyvague 11

You should've said, "What the ****!? This isn't Hershey's."