By hotmommy - 20/12/2010 00:23

Today, I went to the mall with my daughter. She asked me if she could go see Santa, so I said yes. She made me sit on his lap with her, and that's when I felt something on my bum. Let's just say Santa had a present for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 230
You deserved it 6 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well... It beats the present being for your daughter at least. Santa has got a nice treat for you stowed away in his sack.


Nasty. Oh well, your DEFINITLY not getting coal in your stocking this year...

Daddymo 14

Lies. No one's allowed to sit on Santa's lap anymore, for that very reason.

Gummyworms90210 0

thats actually not true. I have seen so many little kids sit on santas lap this year.

Maybe in your country, but it happens everywhere in the US.

Talia_91 13

so either Santa has a huge one or you could not sit by a dudes penis. why not sit on his knee away from the crotch area if you don't wanna feel him get a boner.

Right. Why were you sitting in lap dance range, OP? You shouldn't even be putting your whole weight on him, just sort of squat/lean on the knee. You apparently jumped in his lap like he was your sugar daddy and got the natural reaction.

RedPillSucks 31

Santa should be doing this, making sure that people sit on his knee and not his lap. However, you're right that she should have been aware. But I imagine that it's been such a long time since she's sat on santa that it slipped her mind. Not every one thinks of this stuff.

luvpinks 0

mom was sitting on the wrong spot .. ur supposed to b on his lap not directly on his thang

don't get to excited. it was probably his crack-pipe