By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:25 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's thinking I had a UTI. Turns out I have an STD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 178
You deserved it 40 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10
Carbonite2010 0

At least you don't have UTI RIGHT?


Cat_Daniels 6

Well it's kinda your fault for having sex with some one who has STD

You know people, you can get an STD like ex. HPV;you cant even notice it after YEARS, and sometimes doesn't even show any signs! Doesn't mean that this person is dirty. You people should stop judging by the cover of the book.

UTI = Unidentified Toe Infection ? What does that have to do with STD's ?

UTI= Urinary Tract Infection (my parents are doctors)

******* hilarious, archxangel. I knew you were joking.

random fact: doctors can tell if you get an UTI by either wrongful wiping or a guy going down on you lol.

We can? Oh do tell! I must have missed that day of soothsaying, er, I mean med school.

Ever herd of the health department they give free rubbers could of saved u some time an pain

It's amazing the difference three letters can make...

Dudes, if ya read a condom box, they say that condoms do not prevent std's...