By manlyman - 05/04/2009 13:32 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's office because my wife and I are having some fertility problems. As I removed my pants, the doctor simply looked at my penis and said, "Mhm." My wife laughed the whole way home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 283
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ROFL. maybe they should like make some kind of viagara commercial with this, and then you come back the next day, and the doctor's like OH DAYUMM =)


candicemichelle 0

damn. im sorry. but thAT shit is funny. i would have def went off on the dr. if i was u.

Soccerkilla13 0

OP means original poster and YDI means you deserved it

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA sorry man but thats ******* hilarious :D

Not gonna lie the beginning sounds like an opening to a porno

PunkPrincess_fml 11

All he said was "mhm" ... Sometimes people make noises. Why can't you men just be proud of your bodies and not let things like this shatter your ego? And tell your wife to stfu, penis jokes are for 13 year olds.