By justine - 13/12/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, I went to see a play. I'm pregnant, so I always need to pee. At intermission, I ran to use the bathroom, but there was a really long line. I asked the woman in front of me if I could pass her. She responded, "You don't look pregnant!", and lectured me about lying while I peed my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 970
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch, i would have just run into the stall before her. you def didn't deserve it.


skittles009 0

um when ir preggo u have to go NOW u dont always get warning

cherrypie22 6

Wow. A line to the bathroom isn't that long. Plus there's mutiple stalls, so the line couldn't take more than 5 mins. Plus you could have gone before you left. So ydi for having no bladder control at all and not planning ahead!

blayke96 8

At least she said you didn't look pregnant!!

Gosh ! I am so sorry OP ! People these days have no respect and don't know how to Communicate ! At least you were brave enough to ask ;) good luck

Tell her she is a dumb bitch and who gave her the role of line police. Seriously, just cut ahead. What are the others going to do?

That sucks...I luckily never had that happen to me while I was pregnant especially since I didn't really look pregnant either. Though I have leaked through my shirt in public because I am nursing and that is just as embarrassing especially if it happens at work and you work with only men >.>

What a bitch. I'd slap her across the face and say "Do you think I'd fake my pregnancy?!"

doglover100 28

She does know that you don't start to show until the 3rd/4th month.

What a bitch. I would've pissed on her shoes.

Why would she think you were faking just to skip ahead?