By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 21:06 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to pick up my daughter from my dad's house. He'd shaved her head bald. "For a laugh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 100
You deserved it 1 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Kick him in the nuts "for a laugh".

While he shouldn't have done that without your consent/her consent (depending on her age), it's not like this is the end of the world. Make sure she knows she's still beautiful no matter what. (Which I'm sure you do anyway)


Look on the bright side, I've heard that supposedly shaving a child's hair makes it come in thicker!

That's just a myth Shaving does not make any hair grow back thicker

When I was a child my aunt cut my beautiful long, thick hair to shoulder height. It's been baby fine ever since.

Well, there goes trust right out the window. It's not funny to do something to a kid that doesn't understand whats going on, especially without a parents consent. I'm sorry for her and you. :(

Tell him "for a laugh" that he isn't allowed to see her and more

It would be a very long time before grandpa got any privileges again, if that were my kid. I know a couple of grandparents that took their grandchildren for first haircuts, without the parents permission. That would piss me off to no end. Doing something this drastic though, he'd be down to supervised visits.

It's just hair, it will grow back. on the bright side, she can pick out some cool wigs or hats if she hates it.

Is she a baby?!?! I almost hope so or else it will take awhile for her hair to grow back. Poor baby...

Why would he do that just for a laugh

Well that's a creative way to make sure you'll never be asked to babysit your grandkids again.

wouldn't have nothing to do with him for a while...