By Anonymous - 08/09/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, I went to my favorite drive-in burger joint for dinner. As I was nearing the end of my burger, I grabbed a cup from the cup holder that I thought was filled with soda. Instead, I got a mouthful of dip spit that a friend left in my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 406
You deserved it 8 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dip spit smells terrible. You should have noticed.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth... that sucks!


YDI for being a dumbass. Who doesn't check first.

YwkyWy37 0

So what did you end up doing OP? did your friend hear about this?

I would have to murder him to appeas my anger i recomend the same

bubo_fml 10

Well...After all, it is saliva & can aid in the digestive process...However, after choking down fast food from a drive in, I would've reached for the alka seltzer instead...

Okay dip can only give you lip cancer and that is if you do dip with a canker sore so learn a little more would u haters I do it too and I am 14 I quit though(friends got me into it)

bleepbloopthis 0

Mmm tasty it just runs through you teeth and around your tongue.

Omg I did the same thing when i was like 4 or 5 but I just came from outside playing and was thirsty and my mom always left her diet coke bottle with drink still in them laying around well I went over there and chugged the "drink" the bottle was 3/4 full of dip spit when I got done with it. It was 1/4 of the way full and my dad watched me do the whole thing he picked me up and took me outside hung me over the porch railing and I piled my guts out. I've learned now to ask what that is before I pick it up btw that was my dads spit cup.

I can think of a type if spit that would have been a lot worse