By Rhyno - 05/05/2009 15:37 - United States

Today, I went to meet my girlfriends parents for the first time. I accidentally drove past their house the first time, but saw the whole family outside waiting to meet me. I pulled a U-Turn and heard a thud. The whole family watched me run over their dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 97

Rhyno tells us more.

To explain a bit more in detail, I pulled a U-Turn and the dog ran out of the yard and boom... It was a medium sized dog, I drive an SUV and didn't see it as I was making the turn. I didn't even know they had a dog... haha The following 20 minutes were probably the most uncomfortable of my life, after I knew the dog was fine I kinda laughed nervously and left. "Hi I'm the guy who is dating your daughter, sorry about the dog"... Live and you learn.

Top comments

Ouch!! Not a good first impression one bit! I'm sorry!!

How is making out with your significant other somehow worse then KILLING THE FAMILY PET? You got some priority issues, man.


Icalasari 0

Ok, I want to make this clear: THE POST USED TO SAY THEY'RE! THE OP SAID THE DOG IS FINE! OP EDITED! DOG FINE! I bet this gets ignored >.>

right, yeah, if you haven't noticed, many twenty-somethings take a more postmodern detached approach to typing on the internets, LADY.

OUCHH! I'm assuming that didn't go about too well..... Ahh well... next time, get a girlfriend who doesn't have pets :)

calax33 0

Wow!!!! Omygod i agree with #129!!!!

Ya...I seriously doubt this actually happened. So much stuff on this site comes from creative minds. This is one of them.

#46, 47, 60: THANK YOU!!!!! The OP used "their" correctly. As for everyone who tried telling the OP he used the wrong form of their/there/they're, open a freaking book before you correct someone else's grammar. Don't be stupid. OP: I'm sorry. That really sucks.

omgitsseejay 0

you think your life sucks, how about the dog you ran over