By Gbeat411 - 25/06/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I went to boxing and this hot chick asked me if I was wearing a sports cup. I replied yes, when I wasn't. I thought she was going to check with her hand and feel. She checked with her knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 005
You deserved it 71 237

Same thing different taste


Next time you'll know better not to lie

Does Gbeat stand for Got Beat? 'Coz you did.

YDI for a) lying, b) expecting a woman to feel for your dick, c) noting that she was "hot" and thus, re-read b, d)posting it on fmylife when it was obviously your fault. Meathead problems, eh?

rachilio 26
That1One1Chick 24

YDI for lying to her OP. Sorry :/ still sucks though.

derpina72 23

You were at a boxing place/gym not a **** studio! YDI

When had a woman ever checked for that with her hand?